1. “Beauty” Pageants a Thing of the Past

    By Jayna Smith

    What used to be called “beauty” pageants are few and far between nowadays.  Many of today’s pageants focus not on beauty, but on qualities and skills such as academics, public speaking, and community service.  Such is the case with the upcoming Miss Eastern Maine Pageant.

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  2. 8th Annual Downeast Scion Exchange and Fruit Tree Workshop

    By Natalie Boomer

    Last Saturday, Healthy Acadia and Cobscook Community Learning Center (CCLC) held the 8th Annual Downeast Scion Exchange and Fruit Tree Workshop. The workshop was led by C.J. Walke, an orchard educator with

    Maine Organic Farmer and Gardeners Association (MOFGA) and members of the Washington County community. The event took place at the Cobscook Community Learning Center.

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  3. National Scrapbooking Day to be Celebrated

    By Jayna Smith

    Even though we seem live in a digital world, many still preserve their photos the “old fashioned” way by placing them in scrapbooks.  Today’s scrapbooks, however, are not like those of yesteryear.

    Scrapbooking is a popular hobby among a group of ladies who join monthly at Meddybemps Community Center.  Their family history, artwork, photographs, and more are preserved, along with journaling to share the story for future generations.

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  4. Five Charges for Calais Man from Friday Night Incident

    By Jayna Smith

    Last Friday night, March 22, Calais Police Department received a report of an intoxicated male being disorderly on North Street.  

    According to Calais Police Department, the person was located at the North Street Circle K.  He had locked himself in the restroom and claimed to have had a weapon. The store was evacuated and other law ​enforcement agencies were called to the scene.  

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  5. American Pride

    While patrolling last week, Baileyville Police Chief Bob Fitzsimmons drove by 8-year old Joseph Spencer.  As the chief drove by, he saw Joseph with his right hand on his heart, waving an American flag with his left.  Chief Fitzsimmons was impressed with the boy's demonstration of respect so went back for a photo.  The American flag may mean different things to different people, but to many, Joseph's expression of patriotism is a great reminder that our flag still waves to symbolize pride, honor, and responsibility.  Joseph, a second grader, is the son of Jason and Marie Spencer.  (P

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  6. Career Fair Connects Boys to Technical Trades

    By Jayna Smith

    Eighth grade boys from fourteen different Washington County schools visited Washington County Community College last Friday to take part in a career fair.  The event lasted most of the day and provided the boys with information and hands-on experience with technical career opportunities.

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  7. Business is Booming for New Towing Company

    By Jayna Smith

    New businesses in the area are always a positive thing, and what is just as pleasing is when “hometown folks” move back to start them.  Such is the case with 1999 Woodland High School graduate Chip Smith, owner of Smith’s Towing and Recovery.

     Smith studied business at the University of Maine at Machias and spent close to the last twelve years in the Bangor area as a manager with Pepsi.  There, he dealt mostly with independently-owned convenience stores, appreciating the direct interaction with the small business owners and staff. 

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  8. Publisher of The Calais Advertiser Delivers This Week’s Newspaper

    Publisher Pierre Little of The Calais Advertiser delivers last week's newspapers for subscribers to the post office. He thanked the U.S. Postal Service for the years of dedication mailing the Advertiser every week. “We want to acknowledge the support of the USPS for their work and service to the public. Without their professionalism, we would not be the most-read newspaper way down east.” Little said.

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  9. CES Gears Up For Reading Challenge

    By Kaileigh Deacon

    Literacy is such an important part of a child’s education, but for so many, reading is not a priority or too challenging for them so they choose not to do it. Every spring the Calais PTO helps to encourage literacy at Calais Elementary School by hosting a two-week Read-a-Thon. 

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  10. Calais Middle High School Hosts Post Secondary Fair

    By: Natalie Boomer

    The annual Post-Secondary Fair at Calais Middle High School was held on Thursday, the 24th. Grades 7-12 were required to attend in half-hour increments. Although the event was held at the Calais Middle High School, Shead High School, Woodland High School and the Calais Alternative School joined in as well. The students met in the gymnasium from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

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  11. Friendship Gives a Winning Advantage for Travel Team

    By Jayna Smith

    Being part of a basketball team that has played and practiced together for years, or even many months, often makes for a much stronger, better skilled team than one that has not.  This year's Calais Rec. 5th/6th grade girls' team, made up of only seven players from three different schools, all with varying levels of basketball experience, proved that working extra hard in only a short time--coupled with friendship among the teammates--can indeed make a championship team.

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  12. Maine Maple Sunday is Something Sweet

    By Kaileigh Deacon

    There are many different ways to tell that spring is coming to Maine but certainly, one of the sweetest is the flowing of sap through the trees in Maine. All over the state trees are tapped as the sap starts running up the trees to prepare the tree’s buds for spring.  Sunday, March 24 is Maine Maple Sunday where sugaries and other groups around the state celebrate with plenty of maple syrup. 

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  13. Veterans Find Peace at House in the Woods

    By Jayna Smith

    Regardless of where one travels from Calais, the starting point of the route nearly always leads “through the woods.”  Traveling 65 miles northwest from Calais will lead you to Lee, population 884 (according to the US Census Bureau), which many may say is a nice drive “through the woods.”  What many do not know, however, is that there is something big tucked away in that little town—House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat. 

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  14. Calais Free Library Hosts Children’s Programs

    By: Natalie Boomer

    This past month the Calais Free Library welcomed a new children’s librarian, Virginia Brewster. 

    “My very first volunteer job at age 11 was in a library. I had a very sweet relationship with the lady who taught me how to repair books and I had a blast. My family is full of librarians,” Brewster said.

    Although she enjoyed the library when she was young, Brewster took a different path and pursued a degree in a different field.

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  15. State Police Hopeful that Tips May Prove Useful in Linda Maxwell Case

    By Jayna Smith

    For many, the date of August 23, 1984, is a haunting one.  At that time, what is now the parking lot of Johnson’s True Value was the hang out for many teenagers and young adults.  Summer was coming to an end, and most of those kids would soon be headed back to high school or off to college. But it was the last time 18-year-old Linda Maxwell was seen alive.

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  16. Maine State Cheerleading Champions!

    Calais Rec Tiny All-Star Cheerleaders won 1st place at Maine State Cheerleading Championships at the Cross Center at Bangor. (Photo by John Rogers). 

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  17. Tide Mill Farm Presents PES with Grant Check

    On Tuesday, March 5, dairy farmer Jane Bell of Tide Mill Organic Farm in Edmunds Twp., presented students and staff of Princeton Elementary School with a grant check for $1,600. The award is from the Maine Dairy & Nutrition Council’s Fuel Up to Play 60 program, which is funded by dairy farmers, and is to be used for healthy eating and physical activity initiatives within the school. PES will be getting a new smoothie machine and serving smoothies during breakfast, and they will be getting playground stencils to help increase play and activity during recess. Ms.

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  18. CRH Security Officer Recognized for Heroism

    Congratulations to Haley Black, Calais Regional Hospital Security Officer, for being selected as Securitas Northeast Region Officer of the Year for Heroism.  The award is to recognize officers for giving of themselves and modeling Securitas’ core values.  Securitas began providing security services at Calais Regional Hospital in 2016.  Haley has been part of the Securitas team assigned to CRH since 2017.    

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  19. Lioness Preparing for 34th Charter Night Celebration

    Many are familiar with the Calais Lioness Club, a group of hard-working ladies who bring good to the area.  The membership of the club is dedicated to working within the local community, to enhance the area and assist others in need. 

    The small club makes local donations in excess of $8,000 annually.  This money is raised through various events such as yard sales, road tolls, raffles, and the ever-popular Super Draw held during the International Homecoming Festival, to name just a few. 

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  20. SCIQ’s Sew-Delightful Programs

    What began as an idea to feature youth as part of the St. Croix International Quilt Show last year blossomed into a “Sew-Delightful” program for local elementary schools. Sew-Delightful has members act as mentors to those who already have some experience with fabric and as teachers to those who want to learn how to sew and quilt.

    SCIQ President Bonnie Brown-Hunter hopes the children will be bringing home a completed quilted project while having had some fun in the four-week afterschool program tailored to the needs of each of the participating schools.

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  21. Crafts N Mingle Hosts Painting Classes

    By: Natalie Boomer

    Crafts N Mingle is known as part art class and part party. When you sign up for a Crafts N Mingle class, instructor Silk Alderette will teach you how to create your very own painting while you get to socialize and make new friends. 

    “I noticed there were not many places for artists/craft-makers to meet and socialize. Thus, I started having paint and sips at Tri Cinema Studios, which is the parent company of Crafts N Mingle,” said artist and teacher, Silk. 

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  22. Washington County Delegation Attends MAND Breakfast

    Washington County's Delegation recently attended the 2019 MAND Legislative Breakfast where they listened to presentations about how to improve Maine's food and nutrition environment as well as the health of Maine citizens. Pictured are Representative Anne Perry, Representative Will Tuell, Calais Regional Hospital’s registered dietitian Mona VanWart, Senator Marianne Moore and Senator Stacey Guerin. (Submitted photo)

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  23. Author and Life Coach Visits WCCC

    By: Natalie Booomer

    Lanette Pottle, a former student of Washington County Community College, returned to the school on February 6th to give a presentation, “When Big Feels Overwhelming, Start Small.” Pottle is now a life coach who helps people reach their goals, as well as an author, who recently published a new book, “Small Steps, Big Impact.” 

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  24. Driver of Pick Up Suffers Serious Injuries in Collision

    By Jayna Smith

    Last Friday afternoon, March 8th, first responders were called to a motor vehicle accident in Baileyville.  The accident involved a tractor-trailer truck and a pickup truck.

    According to Baileyville Police Chief Bob Fitzsimmons, his department responded to the Baileyville end of Route 9 where the two trucks collided.  The driver of the tractor-trailer truck was Charles Curran of Rollingdam, New Brunswick.  He was taken to Calais Regional Hospital via ambulance and released.

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  25. 19th Annual Polar Dip For Charity

    By: Natalie Boomer

    The crowd counted down from 10 with Darin McGaw, Dean of Academic Affairs at Washington County Community College. When the clock struck noon on March 8th, the 19th Annual Polar Dip began and the group of participants ran into the cold water. 

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  26. The Greatest Constitutional Crisis Since the Civil War

    By Conrad Black

    The most immense and dangerous public scandal in American history is finally cracking open like a ripe pomegranate. The broad swath of the Trump-hating media that has participated in what has amounted to an unconstitutional attempt to overthrow the government are reduced to reporting the events and revelations of the scandal in which they have been complicit, in a po-faced ho-hum manner to impart to the misinformed public that this is as routine as stock market fluctuations or the burning of an American flag in Tehran.

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  27. St. Croix Firehouse Raffle Winners

    The most-recent fundraiser held by the St. Croix No. 1 Fire House Association – a raffle for 100 scratch-off tickets – was won by Shari Doten of Artemis’s Attic. The top prize for the tickets, which were purchased from Hardwicke’s, was $2,000. Hardwicke’s manager Bill Kilby drew the prize. Present were Tom and Billie Parks and Chairman of Fundraising Mary Barnard. Top fundraisers were Tom Parks, Brother Benson, Angela Nesbitt, and Irene Moreside. (Photo by Lura Jackson) Pictured in the lower photo is Dick Barnard presenting Shari (middle) her prize.

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  28. Calais JHS Basketball Wins County Title

    Congratulations to Calais JHS basketball as they captured the 2019 County Championship with a 50-39 win over runner-up Woodland JHS. Pacing the win was Jace Cook and Ryland Sabattus each with 15-points and Alex Richard and Matt Dana each adding 8-points. On the Dragon ledger Ethan Monk hit 10-points and Brogan Brown added 9-points; Shain McIver and Nate Scharff each had 4-points. Pictured for Calais are l-r:  Reece Sabattus, Coach Nib Sabattus, Ryland Sabattus, Landon Ritchie, Ales Richard, Zack Johnson, Matt Dana, Jace Cook, Aidon Benson, Josh Calder, and Coach Hornbrook.

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  29. Celestial Spray Paint Artist Now Featured at Crumbs

    By Lura Jackson

    The creation of the cosmos took a significant amount of time and energetic force – and the result is as indescribably beautiful as it is incomprehensibly varied. While none of us can recreate such a momentous event, we can recreate and share it visually. Those who appreciate the celestial beauty of the universe can now see it through the eyes of 12-year-old Aubrey Stevens, the latest artist to be featured at Crumbs Café and Bake Shoppe.

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  30. Calais Knights of Columbus Crown Local Free Throw Champions

    The St. Croix Knights of Columbus #149, held their Council Free Throw Contest, this past Saturday, March 2nd, at the Woodland High School. The proud winners, posed for a photo with the local Knights.

    Four boys are 10 to 13, were named Council champions of the 2019 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship and have earned the right to compete at the State Level. The St. Croix Council #149 in Calais, sponsored the local competition at the Calais Elementary School. All youngsters ages 9 to 14 were eligible to participate.

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  31. Walrus Skull Found

    Dragger Dave Underhill and his crew pulled up this remarkable specimen of an ancient walrus skull in the Bay of Fundy recently. This is the second such skull that the crew has pulled up. The first one was dated by scientists as being between 900 and 10,000 years old, and this one is presumed to be of a similar age. The skull was taken to a museum in Saint John. (Facebook photo)

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  32. Book Shines Light on New Brunswick World War I Hero

    By Lura Jackson

    An orphaned boy goes on to join the Canadian Army during World War I, leads his platoon, negotiates a frontline truce, and is later decorated by King George V. While Gordon Lasky never called himself a hero, his story tells of the finest kind of heroism – one based on principles of fairness and goodwill. Lasky’s exceptional biography has been captured in the newly-released New Brunswick Lad: Memories of a World War I Canadian Soldier by Red Beach native Dr. Ken Ross.

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  33. WCCC Sharing Shelf

    The students of Washington County Community College are able to utilize this newly-installed Sharing Shelf near the Assembly room. The shelf offers donated food goods from the staff and community to help supplement the diet of on-campus students. (Photo by Lura Jackson)

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  34. Shirley Ray Coburn Retires from First National Bank

    By Lura Jackson

    After nearly 24 years, Shirley Ray Coburn has retired from First National Bank in Calais. A retirement celebration for Coburn was held at the branch on Friday, March 1st.

    “I don’t really have any plans,” Coburn said. “Just to enjoy life.” She plans to do so with her husband, Barry, at their family camp as well as by visiting her three sons and five grandchildren, currently spread between Colorado, Albuquerque, and Delaware.

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  35. Calais Native Continues Awareness Advocacy for Rare Diseases

    By Lura Jackson

    Living with a chronic rare disease is a singularly difficult situation for the individuals affected by it. In addition to contending with the symptoms associated with their particular rare disease, the afflicted live in a world that doesn’t always understand what they are going through. In an effort to raise awareness and support for those with similar conditions to her own, Calais native Bridget Hunnewell is continuing her advocacy with the Hemophilia Alliance of Maine [HAM].

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  36. Crumbs and Katahdin House Spread Homemade Goodness to Local Eateries

    By Lura Jackson

    What’s better than being able to enjoy locally produced homemade desserts and fresh bread? The answer – at least according to Crumbs and Katahdin House, Calais’s most popular dessert makers – is being able to get them at more places. 

    Both eateries are expanding into other businesses around Calais, and the response thus far has been enthusiastic.

    Crumbs available at Yancy’s, Motor Inn

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  37. Orphaned Bear Cub Gets Fresh Start with New Mom

     By Amanda DeMusz, Regional Wildlife Biologist

    Last April, an orphaned bear cub from Caribou was placed in a den with a new mom, Jen, an experienced mother bear that had been found in good shape with her single cub when her den was visited by the department bear research crew a few weeks before the orphaned cub was found. Warden Alan Dudley managed to catch the cub whose mother had been hit by a car on the highway, and Biologists Randy Cross and Amanda DeMusz took the cub deep into the woods to its new family.

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  38. WCCC Polar Bear Dip Raising Funds for Support Houses

    Living in a remote rural area like Washington County is synonymous with traveling long distances for certain kinds of medical care, including cancer treatment. The combination of travel and lodging is often too much for local families to handle on their own – and that’s where the Ronald McDonald House and Sarah’s House come in, offering free lodging to those in need. The role of these organizations is so important that the Student Senate of Washington County Community College coordinates the Polar Bear Dip every year to support them.

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  39. PAWS Pet of the Week - Dana!

    Dana is a beautiful beige Torbie. She has incredibly soft fur that perfectly matches her equally soft personality. Dana is very calm, and can be a little shy. However, she loves face scratches, and even is ok with belly rubs once she warms up to you. She requires a little extra patience at first, but once she's comfortable Dana loves to purr and will head bump you for more affection. If you'd love to add Dana to your family, come visit her Thursday to Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m.!  

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  40. Vehicle Fire in Baring, Maine

    A vehicle fire in a Baring trailer park on Thursday, February 21st was rapidly handled by the Baileyville Fire Department. The fire, according to Baileyville Fire Chief John McPhee, fully engulfed the front half of the vehicle. Once responders arrived, it was contained within five minutes. The vehicle was parked next to a home but was pulled back to prevent the fire from spreading. No damage took place to the nearby properties. (Photo by Wendy Little)

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  41. Supermoon February 2019

    February 19th saw the rising of this massive supermoon, as seen from Eastport over Campobello. A supermoon occurs when the moon is near its closest point, or perigee, to the Earth. (Photo from Eastport, Me. City with A View)

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  42. Anav Silverman Reflects on Being an International Journalist

    By Lura Jackson

    “Oh, the places you’ll go” – the Dr. Seuss quote is often used to encourage students at Calais Middle High School in considering their future, and it rarely feels more appropriate than when reflecting on the highly successful career of a CMHS graduate. After graduating from CMHS in 2004, Anav Silverman has gone on to become a respected and prolific international journalist.

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  43. Life in Early Baileyville Shared in An Amazing Journey

    By Lura Jackson

    Whether you prefer to call it Woodland or Baileyville, have you ever been curious about the Baileys that passed their name on to the town? Local history fans will be glad to add a new piece to their bookshelf in the form of An Amazing Journey, a recently-released nonfiction story of the original Bayley family by descendant Jim Bailey.

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  44. PES Student Recognized for Demonstrating Silent Strength

    Posted by Silent-Strength on Facebook:

    Jim Walker (custodian at Princeton Elementary in Princeton, Maine) purchased a Silent Strength t-shirt, because he wanted to give it to a deserving student. After conferring with Ms. Disher, they chose to give the shirt to Lucian. Here is the response that Ms. Disher sent to us as to why they picked Lucian. May God bless all of the “Lucians” out there who are making a positive impact on all of the students (and adults) in their schools!

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  45. Calais Callbacks Bring in the Laughs

    By Kaileigh Deacon

    In its first full year in operation the Calais High School Drama Program has been improving and working to build their program back up. They have put on two plays with this most recent one making their third. This play not only represents their third production but also their first time performing in a competition. The State Drama Festival is coming up and the Calais Callbacks will be competing in the festival for the first time in over five years. 

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