1. Business After Hours Event Highlights Chamber Initiatives and Economic Development


    Jayna Smith

    [email protected]

    On Thursday, July 25, St. Croix Tap & Table, formerly Riverview Restaurant, on Main Street in Calais, buzzed with activity as the St. Croix Valley Chamber of Commerce revived its Business After Hours event.  DeeDee Travis, the chamber's chairperson, warmly welcomed business owners, local citizens, and other attendees, highlighting the chamber’s recent achievements and ongoing initiatives.

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  2. Freedom Studies - Democracy and Hypocrisy


    Jon Reisman

    President Biden’s selfless and noble passing of the torch to Kamala (or Obama/Pelosi orchestrated coup, depending on which tribe you belong to) left me marveling at our polarized and post-modern understanding of “Democracy.” “Democracy” is a system of government where the people rule, either directly (like Town Meeting) or through elected representatives (a Republic). Democracy is rule of the many, as opposed to rule of the few (oligarchy) or the one (tyranny). 

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  3. Vibrant Flowers Beautify Downtown


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  4. New CDC Rules to Bring Dogs into U.S.


    Jayna Smith

    [email protected]

    Starting August 1, 2024, new regulations will be implemented for dogs entering or returning to the United States.  These rules depend on where the dog has been in the past six months and where it received its rabies vaccination, if required, to prevent the entry of rabies-infected canines into the U.S.

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  5. Business After Hours Event Hosted by St. Croix Valley Chamber of Commerce


    Jayna Smith

    [email protected]

    This Thursday, July 25, St. Croix Valley Chamber of Commerce will hold a Business After Hours event, welcoming not only chamber members but also those interested in learning more about the chamber and wishing to hear from the evening’s keynote speaker, Denise Barker, Director of Economic Development for Calais and Baileyville.

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  6. Grand Lake Stream Folk Art Festival Happening this Weekend


    The Washington County village of Grand Lake Stream may be just off the beaten path, but it will be well worth the drive to this magical setting as the ballfield comes alive on Saturday and Sunday, July 27 and 28, for the 28th Annual Grand Lake Stream Folk Art Festival.  Local organizers have once again put together a full schedule of activities for young and old, with music, folk art, food, and fun.  The festival runs each day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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  7. Coastal Subs Makes Waves in Pembroke


    Will Tuell

    Whether it’s general manager Kaci Leighton’s friendly smile, her crew’s care and attention to detail, or the delicious variety of freshly made subs, sandwiches, and baked goods, Coastal Subs in Pembroke has quickly “made waves” as Downeasters say, in the nine months the Mom-and-Pop sub shop has been serving travelers up and down Route 1. 

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  8. What's Up, Calais?


    Jayna Smith

    [email protected]

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  9. Robbinston Days to Bring a Celebration of Community and History


    Jayna Smith

    [email protected]

    For the fourth consecutive year, the Town of Robbinston is excited to host its hometown celebration, Robbinston Days, on Saturday, August 3. All events will take place at the Robbinston Community Center (formerly the grade school).

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  10. Princeton Parks and Recreation’s Second Community Yard and Craft Sale


    Sandra Smith

    Saturday was the second Princeton Parks and Recreation’s Community Yard and Craft Sale. The weather was unbelievably perfect, and the wonderful community support was truly appreciated. In addition to the ten vendors, the Princeton Fire Department Association was there with their Weenie Wagon for breakfast and lunch. Also, Lakeside Lemonade was back. 

    A new format included six vendors who participated in the event but sold items from their homes. They were advertised and their location was featured on a special map. 

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  11. To Eastport and Beyond Crew!


    From the Alexander news column by Cassie Oakes:

    What did you do during the local July 4th celebration? The grandchildren of Sherry Sivret and the late Father David Sivret participated in the 4th of July stroller parade and earned third place.  To Eastport and Beyond was their sign as they dressed in Toy Story costumes.

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  12. Bangor Savings Bank Grant to The Joy Fund


    The Bangor Savings Bank Foundation has awarded The Joy Fund, a barrier removal program administered by the Community Caring Collaborative (CCC), $5,500 to support more first-time home buyers scheduling home inspections of their prospective dream home in Washington County.  

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  13. Hunters Face Aug. 1 Deadline to Apply for ‘Any Deer’ Permit


    Will Tuell

    Maine’s Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (IFW) is reminding hunters that they have until 11:59 p.m. on Aug. 1 to enter the drawing for an antlerless deer permit. Hunters who are drawn in IFW’s Aug. 15 lottery will have a chance to harvest an antlerless deer in the designated wildlife management district plus a buck statewide. Any remaining permits will be available for purchase on IFW’s website later this year. 

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  14. DSF’s Dennys River Sportsman’s Club Pavilion Grand Opening


    The Downeast Salmon Federation (DSF) has announced the grand opening of the Dennys River Sportsman’s Club Pavilion on Thursday, August 8. This event marks a new chapter for the historic clubhouse, now transformed into an open-air pavilion and open to the public.

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  15. Freedom Studies - Demography, Destiny, and Dumbasses


    Jon Reisman

    One of my favorite courses was demography, the study of human populations. Demographers draw on statistics and a broad swath of both the natural and social sciences, including economics, sociology, geography, political science, biology, psychology, and medicine. Demography starts with a deceptively simple mathematical identity: Change in Population= Births - Deaths + Net Migration. Therein lie some of the most sensitive and freedom consequential policy areas: fertility, mortality, and immigration/emigration.

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  16. Waiting for Grandpa to Come Back Home

    The story of one Israeli hostage and  his 3-year-old granddaughter

    Anav Silverman Peretz

    A few weeks ago, I was sitting with my family at McDonald's, on the way back home to our home in the Negev desert after a visit with our in-laws in Raanana. Our kids were munching on French fries, while my husband went to get our order. I watched Israelis, young and old, sitting together in the American fast food chain, quite popular in Israel. 

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  17. The Miraculous Survival of President Trump in Pennsylvania

    Editorial, By Pierre Little, Publisher

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  18. New Ferry Service Reconnects New Brunswick and Maine


    Jayna Smith

    [email protected]

    A new foot passenger ferry service between Campobello Island, New Brunswick, and Eastport, Maine, is set to revive a historic transportation link across the Passamaquoddy Bay’s international boundary.  The Eastport Windjammers boating company, in collaboration with the Friar’s Bay Development Association, launched the service last week following a successful trial run last summer.

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  19. Chamber of Commerce Welcomes Opening of Got Dirt Car Wash


    Members of St. Croix Valley Chamber of Commerce gathered on Tuesday at Got Dirt Car Wash and Dog Wash, 284 North Street in Calais, for a ribbon-cutting welcoming ceremony.  Owner Tommy Chambers opened the car wash at the end of February, with its dog wash opening soon after.  Pictured are Taylor McIver, of Woodland Pulp; Stan Sluzenski, of St. Croix Regional Technical Center; Jake Chambers; Tommy Chambers; DeeDee Travis, of Calais Community Hospital; and Kaileigh Deacon, of Downeast Credit Union.  (Photo by Jayna Smith) 

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  20. County to Hire Two FT Dispatchers at RCC Using Opioid Crisis Funds


    Paul Sylvain

    Washington County Commissioners on July 11 gave the green light to Regional Communication Center Director Josh Rolfe to begin the process of hiring two new full-time dispatchers at the RCC.

    The decision follows a June 18 emergency meeting between Commissioners Chris Gardner, Vinton Cassidy, the RCC, and the county budget committee to discuss the need to immediately add the new dispatchers.

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  21. Children’s Summer Program at Lincoln Library


    A summer reading program for children is being held at the Lincoln Memorial Public Library in Dennysville on Thursday afternoons, from July 11 through August 8, from 1 to 2:30 p.m.  Led by talented local artist and book illustrator Rebekah Guiltner, each session will feature enriching stories, educational activities, reading aloud, snacks, games, and crafts.

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  22. Donate Blood through the Red Cross at Upcoming Drive


    Jayna Smith

    [email protected]

    The American Red Cross is hosting a blood drive at the Calais Knights of Columbus, located at 2 Park Street in Calais, on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, from 12 to 5 p.m.

    The need for blood is constant, and only volunteer donors can meet this crucial need for patients in the community. Nationwide, someone requires a unit of blood every 2 to 3 seconds, and most will need blood in our lifetimes. 

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  23. Couple’s Epic Journey Ends in Calais After 67-Day East Coast Bike Adventure


    Jayna Smith

    [email protected]

    On Wednesday, July 10, Matt and Sara Ladhoff, a couple from Minnesota, triumphantly arrived in Calais after an extraordinary 67-day bike journey from Key West, Florida.  Their route?  The East Coast Greenway, a sprawling network of trails that stretches 3,000 miles, connecting 15 states and 450 cities and towns from Maine to Florida.  It is the longest biking and walking route in the United States, and Calais is one of its endpoints.

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  24. What's Up, Calais?


    Jayna Smith

    [email protected]

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  25. Northern Maine Development Commission Buys Back Former Bad Little Brewery Property for $400K at Auction


    Paul Sylvain

    Already on the hook for $221,880 on a failed loan it financed in 2021, Caribou-based Northern Maine Development Commission, at a June 25 auction, essentially bought back the 101 Court St. property with a winning bid of $400,000. 

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  26. First National Bank Donates $10,000 to Maine Seacoast Mission


    First National Bank recently announced a $10,000 contribution to the Maine Seacoast Mission toward their Mission Downeast Capital Campaign.

    Since 1905, the Maine Seacoast Mission has been committed to the people of Maine’s outer islands and Downeast coastal communities. Based out of their 63-acre Downeast campus in Cherryfield, they operate a host of robust programs focused on education, food security, and community engagement.

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  27. Freedom Studies - Sound and Fury


    Jon Reisman

    Americans are grappling with an unappealing Presidential choice, an underperforming economy, an untrustworthy media, and an unclear path forward. Early summer has brought fog, thunderstorms, and drama to our political community theatre.

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  28. USS Forrest Sherman DDG-98 Docks in Eastport for Independence Day


    Jayna Smith

    [email protected]

    The guided missile destroyer USS Forrest Sherman (DDG-98) visited Eastport last week for the city’s Independence Day celebration, bringing with it around 300 sailors, including one local man, Tobias Francis from Sipayik. 

    The USS Forrest Sherman (DDG-98) is an Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer and part of Destroyer Squadron 28.  It has a displacement of 9,200 tons and measures 509.5 feet in length. 

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  29. Eastport Independence Day Parade

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  30. “The Best Parade in Maine by a Dam Site”


    Many locals and visitors alike attended the annual Grand Lake Stream Fourth of July celebration last week, and the festivities did not disappoint.  (Photos courtesy of Linda Boudreau Woodruff)


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  31. Pembroke Independence Day Celebration


    Joe Storey led the Pembroke Fourth of July Parade as Grand Marshal. (Photo courtesy of Emily Van Ormer)

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  32. Vanceboro Readies to Celebrate 150 Years


    Jayna Smith

    [email protected]

    The Town of Vanceboro is gearing up for a grand celebration on Saturday, July 20, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., to mark the 150th anniversary of its incorporation and the re-opening of the Vanceboro Historical Society.  The festivities will be held at the Vanceboro Community Center, located at 101 High Street.

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  33. Former CHS Coach Bob McShane and 1993 Team to be Inducted into Maine Basketball Hall of Fame


    Jayna Smith

    [email protected]

    On Sunday, August 11, 2024, former Calais High School girls basketball coach Bob McShane and his 1993 team will be honored with induction into the Maine Basketball Hall of Fame at a ceremony held at Bangor’s Cross Insurance Center.

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  34. Freedom Studies - E Pluribus Unum


    Jon Reisman

    I spent our 248th birthday in Cooper, eschewing parades and politics to marinate in memories, both happy and haunting. This past year of personal bereavement, filial weddings, and political angst has left me both pensive and emotional, occasionally even teary-eyed. I cycled through many years of July 4th memories, searching for solace and optimism.

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  35. Halee Lyn Cummings Memorial Race


    Deanna MacNichol, riding Jay, won first place in the youth 3D barrel race with a time of 19:16 seconds.  Brayden MacNichol, riding Smokin Assets, took first place in the 2D pole bending event with a time of 23:359 seconds.  Both siblings brought home trophies from the event held on June 28, 29, and 30.

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  36. Down East Hospice Volunteers Raffle Winner


    Down East Hospice Volunteers recently announced the winner of a recent fundraising raffle.  Rhoda Dougherty, of Perry, won a grill, graciously donated by Johnson’s True Value and a canvas tote of grilling goodies put together by DEHV.  

    DEHV thanks all who bought raffle tickets and who continue to support its mission.

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  37. Machias Independence Day Parade


    Machias Town Manager Bill Kitchen points to the crowd as he drives grand marshals John and Carole Anne Sprague (with hat, sitting behind John) along the July 4th parade route in Machias. Seated behind Kitchen is Machias Memorial High School Principal Nicole Case. (Photo courtesy Paul Sylvain)

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  38. Kenny Murphy’s Legacy of Kindness, Support Continues to Make Impact on Community


    Jayna Smith

    [email protected]

    The Dicenzo Athletic Complex on Calais Avenue is always bustling in the spring and summer months, offering a baseball field, softball field, city pool, playground, tennis courts, little league field, and now, a designated t-ball field for the youngest baseball enthusiasts.  This new addition holds special significance as it is dedicated to the memory of the late Kenny Murphy.

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  39. 4th of July Poem Submission

    Happy 4th of July

    It’s Independence Day

    And we’ll all sing and dance 

    Today and we’ll remember our 

    Loved ones who fought for 


    Our freedom and it 

    Came with

    A heavy price

    War is not pretty 

    nor is it nice


    So let’s take a minute 

    To remember our 

    Brave men and women 

    Who sadly passed away 

    Fighting for our freedom 


    And the fireworks 

    Has just begun and

    The kids are having so

    Much fun waving American flags

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  40. Volunteer Efforts and Donations Keep Irene Chadbourne Food Pantry Thriving


    Jayna Smith

    [email protected]

    Under the leadership of new president Dawn Noonan, the Irene Chadbourne Ecumenical Food Pantry is progressing while keeping its mission to assist those experiencing food insecurity at the forefront.

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  41. Red Knights and Lions Club Unite for Annual Santa’s Helpers Charity Event


    Jayna Smith

    [email protected]

    On Saturday, June 29th, the local chapter of the Red Knights motorcycle club hosted their annual Ride for Santa’s Helpers charity event in partnership with the Calais Lions Club.  The Santa’s Helpers Program is one of the Calais Lions Club's signature programs, running for over 50 years, according to Lion Brian Nicholas.

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  42. First National Bank Unveils Renovated Branch with Modern Customer Experience


    Jayna Smith

    [email protected]

    An open house and ribbon-cutting celebration was held on Friday, June 28, 2024, at First National Bank. The branch, located at 319 North Street, recently underwent a major renovation, transforming its interior appearance. 

    Among the most notable differences is the replacement of the long teller counter with free-standing pods, offering a more concierge-like, one-on-one customer experience in its new open-environment space.

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  43. Annual Joker Run for Baileyville’s Octoberfest Happening this Saturday


    Jayna Smith

    [email protected]

    The annual joker run to benefit Baileyville’s Octoberfest is set for this Saturday, July 6, from 3 to 10 p.m. This evening ride will take participants from the Spednic Club in Baileyville to Grand Lake Stream's Pine Tree Store and back.

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  44. Always ‘Mission Ready’ Currier Prepares for Next Chapter after 32 Years as Forest Ranger


    Will Tuell

    After 32 years wearing a uniform for the Maine Forest Service, rising from a field Ranger to one of the highest-ranking officers in the 66-man department and becoming one of a handful of individuals around the country certified to manage air responses to some of the biggest wildfires and natural disasters across the country, Marion Township’s Jeff Currier signed off for the last time June 28. 

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  45. Calais Memorial High School Class of 1954


    From subscriber Alberta Farthing Owens: This photo was taken 75 years ago on the steps of Calais Memorial High School showing members of the class of ‘54.  “As sixth graders, we had the privilege of being one of the first classes to attend this school, which was built in 1948. Our teacher was Kathleen McVay.”

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