What's Up, Calais?
Jayna Smith
The community-wide yard sale will be here soon. This is an event organized by the ladies of the Calais Lioness Club. Yard sales will take place at various residences across town on Saturday, April 27. If you live out of town or need a more visible space, the ladies have reserved some spots at local businesses available for use. To get on the list or for more information, go to the Calais Lioness Club Facebook page, where all the details can be found.
On Sunday, April 21, the Brendan Leddy Memorial Fund group is sponsoring a free tip to the Bath Indoor Skatepark for area youth. Boards, helmets, and pads are all provided, if needed. The day trip includes transportation, lunch, snacks, and drinks. Find more information on their Facebook page.
Earth Day is Monday, April 22, and representatives of Calais Walmart will be hosting a park clean-up at the waterfront from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. They will be planting trees and cooking hotdogs for the community. Everyone is welcome.
The Anah Shrine Circus will be taking place in Bangor on April 26, 27, and 28, and tickets are now available here in Calais. Stop by Tradewinds to get yours.
Set for early next month is Calais Community Hospital’s Auxiliary’s Craft & Vendor fair. It will take place on May 4 at Calais Elementary School. Those interested in being a vendor can access the online registration form at the bottom of the Auxiliary’s Gift Shop page at calaishospital.org.
Georgia Kendall has announced this year’s date for the third annual Rhubarb Festival. It will take place at Kendall Farm in Perry on Saturday, June 1. As part of the fun, there will be live entertainment all day, exotic pets, many demonstrations, an array of rhubarb-themed food, and much more. Learn more at kendallfarmcottages.com/rhubarbfestival.
Send me your news, your shout-outs for good deeds done, or your well wishes to give, and I’ll be sure to share them here. Until next week, I hope you stay well, stay safe, and be happy.