Washington County 2024 Antlerless Deer Permits Announced
Will Tuell
Maine’s Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife drew the winners of its 2024 Antlerless Deer Permit Lottery on Aug. 15 with winners having until 11:59 p.m. on Sept. 12, 2024, to purchase their permit through the state website. Of the approximately 128,000 names drawn, 442 hail from Sunrise County.
Winners from Addison include Elliott Batson, Lena Batson, Thomas Batson, Joseph Beal, James Colley, Larry Emerson, Kevin Grant, Daniel Gray, Danny Gray, Molly Gray, Robert Gray, Sawyer Gray, William Gray, Nicholas Greene, Michelle Malcolm, Lynne Merchant, Cameron Morris, Daniel Pray, Ronald Ramsay, Drius Taylor, Jeffrey Taylor, Luke Taylor, and Amy Thompson.
Michael Brewer and Kevin Gilley were drawn from Alexander.
In Baileyville, Michael Boies, Gary Carr, Beth Chabre, Raegan Chabre, Lydia Cropley, Martin Cushing, Christopher Donovan, Logan Gilman, Luke Gilman, Benjamin Hallett, Luann Reppert, Benjamin Robinson, and Ian Spencer drew antlerless permits.
Winners from Beals include Isiah Barrett, Mariner Bunker, Evan Merchant, Koben Robinson, Everett Scott, and Dennis Smorch. Gavin Beal, Remington Perry, and Harry Wells from Beddington were drawn as well.
Calais winners were Allen Clark, Ethan Clark, Vinton Cassidy, Hank Barnett, Hillary Barnett, Rebecca Blake, Faith Brown, Nancy Feiner, Todd Fullerton, Nelson Flood, Dylan Gidney, David Mitchell, Michael Moores, Robert Ramsey, Turner Redding, Blake Roberts, Shawn Scoville, Edward Stover, Paul Wheelock, Melvin Winchester, and Donald Young.
Winners from Charlotte include Richard Baker, Laura Flannery, Susan Hatton, Aaron Morris, Coburn Morris, and Emerson Morris.
In Cherryfield, winners were Jeffrey Bishop, James Carney, Caiden Devoe, Kailani Devoe, William Dilda, Damon Dow, Glen Endre, Pamela Endre, Natalie Fickett, Emma Fraser, Scott Greaves, Brynn Jellison, Walter Lothrop, Lowell Osgood, Gavyn Perry, Bryce Rolfe, Porter Shaw, Presley Shaw, Emery Smith, Stephen Wade, James West, and Jeffrey Willey.
Columbia winners include Peter Barton, Hunter Dempsey, Brantley Leighton, Bryant Leighton, Trinity Morris, Randy Perry, Noah Ramsdell, and Holly Tabbutt. Winners from Columbia Falls were Peter Doak, Raven Farren, William Farren, Scott Lizotte, Jase Look, Layla Merchant, and John Sawyer.
From Cooper, Micah Perkins and Tyler Wood were drawn for any deer permits, while Jeffrey Hassfurter and Blake Spencer from Crawford were drawn.
Winners from Cutler were Michael Fergerson, Finnegan Hallisey, Leigh Hildreth, Halle Johnson, Michael Johnson, Solon Johnson, Phoenix Meyer, George Molinski, Finlay Ramsdell, Liam Ramsdell, Sarah Ramsdell, and Emery Taylor.
Danforth winners include Clayton Austin, Derek Crocker, Judith Crocker, Robert Crone, Grace Cropley, Robert Cyr, Joel Oja, Frederick Parker, Jonathan Preston, Robert Root, Alex Rose, Glenn Tasker, Craig Whiting, and Larry Whiting.
Frank Johnson and Scott Read were drawn from Deblois.
Howard Calder, Stephen Cox, Nancy Curtis, Brenda Donaghy, and Russell Garnett were drawn from Dennysville.
East Machias winners were Gary Albee, Tyler Beckwith, Charlsey Davis, Henry Ferguson, John Ferguson, Katy Ferguson, William Ferguson, Breanna Graham, William Griffin, Scott Harriman, Allan Huntley, Steve Libby, Jacob Look, Michael Look, Jayden Mahar, Louis Morris, Patricia Morris, Jonathan Plummer, Hunter Roberts, James Roberts, James Stauffer, John Williams, and Walter Woodward.
Harrington winners were Josh Aarsand, Hannah Archerson, Ayla Bagley, Ethan Bagley, Joanna Bagley, Vertland Bagley, Randy Beal, Stuart Crosby, Richard Gates Sr., Richard Gates Jr., Jasmine Hammond, Norman Lane, Jonathan MacLeod, Nathaniel MacLeod, Forrest Merchant, Natalya Merchant, Tanner Merchant, Charles Peterson, Timothy Peterson, Freeman Pottle, Wayne Robinson, Robert Shaw, Konner Strout, Zachary Strout, Frank Thompson, and Hunter Wallace.
In Jonesboro, winners included Robert Hansen, Myron Lenfestey, Hunter Morse, Kayla Morse, and Ernest Rackliff.
Jonesport antlerless deer permit winners were Lindsey Alley, Alvin Beal, Heidi Beal, Zona Beal, Paul Bilodeau, James Carver, Aura Crowley, Zachary Crowley, Joshua Faulkingham, Ryan Geel, Lacey Howard, Raymond Howard, Joseph McDonald, Isaiah Robinson, Kitty Robinson, Robert Robinson, and Karson Stanwood.
Lubeckers winning any deer permits include Clayton Dowling, Charles Glidden, Larry Handzlik, Dennis Huckins, Richard Huntley, Patsy Kelley, Dale Landeen, Wade Lyons, Kallen McConnell, Kevin Murray, Baylei Newman, Brenna Newman, Travis Newman, Dewayne Porter, Nicholas Taxiarchis, Scott Thistlewood, Jordan Tinker, and Paul Warren.
Machias winners included Abbey Allen, Chase Antil, Ellie Burns, Davina Dickinson, Connor Fenton, Carolyn Harrington, Stephen Harrington, Kadence Johnson, Brandon Jones, Donald Joy, Tyler Manship, Ryan Spear, Sherwood Sprowl, Jonathan St. Louis, Adriano Vane, and William Weaver.
Machiasport winners include John Almendinger, Chris Bridges, Dylan Bridges, Edmund Bridges, Evan Collbeth, John Corey, Audrey Currier, Tanya Decatur, Aryana Dennison, Ayden Dennison, Todd Gray, Hannah Maker, Tony Maker, Dexter McLellan, Heather McLellan, James McLellan, Olivia McLellan, Thomas Minervino, William Moore, Carter Murphy, Kirby Murphy, Michael Murphy, Ryan Murphy, Kirby Schencks, Jacob Scoville, Christopher Wood, Clayton Wood, Jesse Wood, Millie Wood, and Owen Wood.
From Marshfield, Josh Beal, Aaron Dudley, Robert Grant, Randy Harmon, Keith Maker, Mandie Pepperman, David Polley, and Diane Thureson were picked.
Elijah Ross was selected from Meddybemps.
Milbridge winners were Annalise Beal, Brandon Beal, Carson Beal, Matthew Beal, Aleighya Buffington, Makayla Dorr, Richard Door, Robert Dow, Brenda Duggan, Samuel Fish, Jay Friburg, Joshua Grover, Meghann Grover, Ronald Grover, Drew Jordan, Gary Mathews, Hunter Nestopoulos, Nicholas Nestopoulos, Kirk Porter, Veronica Porter, Harrison Rossi, Evan Sawyer-Brown, Brent Stanley, Albert Wallace, Carlton Wallace, Matthew Walsh, Alton West, Diane West, Nicolas Willey, and Wayne Willey.
Northfield winners included Temperance Bean, Ann Grange, Lucas Johnson, Ava Mendes, Cecilia Mendes, Jonathon Mendes, Julia Mendes, Maria Mendes, and Sofia York.
Drawn from Pembroke were Ronan Brown, Rebecca Happnie-Yoder, Connor Hopkins, Dennis Mains, Timothy Morgan, Paul Nadeau, Sylvia Nadeau, Craig Seeley, and Dennis Stevens.
Perry winners were Dwight Bishop, Herbert Bishop, Bruce Doughty, Genevieve Doughty, Layla Doughty, Quinton Doughty, Taliah Doughty, Scott Jones, Ryan Moore, Sara Moore, Shane Seeley, James St. Laurent, and Joseph Winchester.
Princeton winners were Carley Beers-Waycott, Steven Barley, Jaxson Bryant, Alex Cheseborough, Karen Cheseborough, Micah Cheseborough, Scott Cheseborough, Charles Curtis, Joseph Dearborn, Sonja Leeman, Nancy Leighton, Adam Meyer, Joshua Phelps, Mitch Russell, Nolan Sewell, Brady Tomah, and Jason Worden.
Robbinston winners included Richard Allen, John Cashore, Paul Critchley, Jason Cronister, Jesse Demmons, Howard Duvall, Neil Dwelley, Adam Geel, Vanessa Geel, Jason Jamieson, Louis Knight, Josh Prettyman, Daniel Roehrich, Sarah Sterner, and Mark Wren.
Roque Bluffs winners were Stanley Hubbard, Rosemarie McMannus, Travis Preston, and Clark Scoville.
Steuben winners included Jessica Ashley, Theresa Barnes, Mary Boucar, Rebecca Bunker, Keith Burgess, Cailin Chase, Cameren Coperthwaite, Carsen Coperthwaite, Keelan Coperthwaite, Killian Coperthwaite, Jackson Crowley, Kevin Crowley, Matthew Falabela, Mark Harrington, Fred Johnson, Clifford Khederian, Anthony Leighton, Hunter Loud, Jacob Loud, Amy Merchant, William Nichols, Daniel Phillips, Joshua Phillips, Paul Pickering, Joan Pinkham, Larry Pinkham, Joy Robinson, Taylor Rodgers, Michael Sargent, Madelyn Seavey, Autumn Smith, Derek Smith, Chantz Stanwood, Tricia Trundy, Savana Turner, Jerry West, and Barry Willey.
Topsfield winners were Robert Chandler, Patrick Desorbo, Christopher Lane, Boyde Ripley, and Richard Whiting. Mitchell Cochran of Waite was drawn.
Wesley winners were Donald Boston, Wendell Davis, Athena Ross, Kent Stover, and Elaine Kitteridge.
Drawn from Whiting were Gina Bixler, Cyrus Brissette, Hazel Brodie, David Burns, Donna Burns, John Dailey, Andrea Dotolo, Harrison Finn, John Griffin, Remington Hanscom, Howard Hatch, Deborah Hodge, Ronald Hodge, Jacob Maker, Christopher Newman, Michael Ramsdell, Parker Robertson, and Kenneth Smith.
Whitneyville winners were Ellen Bridges, Jacob Stevens, and Aleah Wood.