Toby Cole Wins 2021 Club Championship


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CHS Golf Continues to Impress


Jayna Smith
[email protected]

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Calais High School Golf Earns DAC Title


Jayna Smith
[email protected]

At St. Croix Country Club last week, Calais High School golf earned the DAC Championship title for the second consecutive year.  The strong Calais team ended with a score of 403.  

Machias High School reported a score of 480, followed by Narraguagus with 508.  
Jace Cook shot an 88 for Calais, followed by Kobe Saunders with a 93, Zachary Wentworth 110, and Andrew Barnard 112.  

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Richard, McIver Lead Calais Fall Baseball to the Win


Jayna Smith
[email protected]

In game one of the day on Sunday, the undefeated Old Town Bombers were too strong for the Calais 17U team in Eastern Maine Fall Baseball League action.

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Calais Junior High Volleyball Off to Strong Start


The Calais Junior High School volleyball team has played three games so far this season and has come away with three victories.

On September 21, Woodland Junior High’s volleyball team traveled to Calais, where they were handed a loss by the strong Calais team.

Calais traveled to Machiasport on September 24 and faced the team from Jonesboro.  Calais was again victorious.

Then, on September 30, Calais traveled to Lubec for another win.  

The team is coached by Jessica Holmes.

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CHS Cross Country Continues to Make Strides


Coach Ryan Furtek

On September 21, CHS cross country, with the help of athletic director Randy Morrison, Calais EMS, and Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge staged their home event.

Shelby Cookson debuted in her first run for CHS and Bailey O'Rourke finished in fourth place out of 18 runners for the girls.   

The boys took four of the top ten spots, with Tristan Seavey in third place, followed by Tyler Furtek, Keegan Trainor, and Logan Griffith.  

The team wishes to thank all who made this a successful event.  

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CHS Senior Girls Recognition


As their high school soccer careers come to an end, senior members of the Calais High School team were recognized last week.  They include Trinity Jones, daughter of Forrest and Heidi Beal;  Katie Bitar, daughter of Nick and Anne Bitar; Alexis Donahue, daughter of Chris and Peggy Donahue and David Beach and Sarah MacNichol, shown also with sister Kerrigan; and Sage Phillips, daughter of Louis and Tristan Phillips.  (Photo by Jayna Smith)

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CHS Senior Boys Recognition


Calais boys’ soccer played their last home game of the season on Monday.  The three seniors were each recognized for their contributions to the team.  They include Bernie Yost, son of Bernie and Christy Yost; Jerry Harmon, son of Bill and Alicia Greenlaw; and Isiaih Mitchell, son of Mary Mitchell and John Deacon.  (Photo by Jayna Smith)

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Woodland Girls’ Soccer


Jayna Smith
[email protected]

The Woodland girls’ soccer team posted a 3-3 record over the last two weeks, according to Coach Kris Siering.  This brings the team’s record to 6-4-1 on the season.  

Losses for the Dragons over those two weeks came from Penobscot Valley, Shead, and Bangor Christian High Schools.  Two wins were earned by the Dragons over Narraguagus and another over Lee Academy.  

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CHS Volleyball Senior Recognition


Calais High School’s senior volleyball members were recognized last week for their outstanding contributions to the team.  They include Alexis Doten, daughter of Joni Doten and Troy Doten; Franscesca Lombardo, host daughter of David Sivret; Emma Saunders, daughter of Johnna Fleming and Allen Saunders; and Kendra Stevens, daughter of Katrina Murphy and Ian Stevens.  (Photo courtesy of Brenda Batson)

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