1. City of Calais Hires Coutinho as New Full-Time Office Assistant


    By Dominic Gayton 

    [email protected]

    The City of Calais announced via Facebook on Friday, September 13 that it hired Haley Coutinho as the City Building’s new Office Assistant. Coutinho had previously filled this role on a part-time basis. In this role, she will be the city’s Deputy Clerk and Tax Collector. 

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  2. Over 100 Runners Compete in Cross Country Meet in Woodland


    By Natalie Boomer 

    [email protected]

    148 runners participated at the cross country meet at Woodland Jr-Sr High School on Wednesday the 17th. Five teams from the Eastern Washington County Elementary and Jr High Cross Country League took part in the meet.

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  3. School Reviews BARR Program Results


    By Kaileigh Deacon

    Three years ago Calais High School began participation in the BARR program, Building Assets, Reducing Risks, which is designed to create ways for teachers to better connect to their students. The program at Calais focuses on the 9th-grade students and creating a way for the students to get acclimated to the high school setting as well as finding a support system for the coming years.

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  4. Premier Higgs Shares Economic Vision for N.B.


    By Jayna Smith

    On Friday, September 20th, the St. Stephen Area Chamber of Commerce hosted breakfast with Premier Blaine Higgs, leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick, and his caucus.  

    The event, held at the Garcelon Civic Center, began with Premier  Higgs expressing condolences on the recent passing of the Hon. Greg Thompson.  Thompson served six terms as a Member of Parliament until his retirement in 2010. Thompson passed on September 10th.  

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  5. Annual Flag Retirement Ceremony


    On Wednesday September 18th, Veterans of Foreign War Post 9779 held its annual Flag Retirement Ceremony to honor the symbol of our American freedom, the American Flag, as they were retired from duty.  These flags are no longer serviceable but they have served us as a reminder of our nation and those who have defended our freedom.  

    Commander Sivret explained that The United States Flag Code states: “The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem of display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.”

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  6. Calais Regional Hospital Files for Chapter 11 Protection


    By Pierre Little, Publisher and Managing Editor

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  7. Happy Birthday, Ginny Foss!

    Everyone at The Calais Advertiser would like to wish a very happy 100th birthday to Ginny Foss of Machias, who is currently living in Calais. Want to help her celebrate? Send cards to Virginia Foss, 40 Palmer Street, room 104a, Calais, ME, 04619. (Photo courtesy Washington Place)

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  8. Free Elder Abuse Workshop


    By Natalie Boomer

    An elder abuse workshop will be held at the Calais Congregational Church on Thursday, October 10th. Hosted by Elder Abuse Institute of Maine, Next Step Domestic Violence Project of Hancock and Washington Counties, and the Community Caring Collaboration, this workshop will be jam packed with information about elder abuse and violence.

    What elder abuse consists of, signs of elder abuse, resources who can help victims and families, and how to help someone in need will all be discussed throughout the four hour session.

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  9. Ceremony to Honor MIA and POW


    By Kaileigh Deacon

    Every September on the third Friday all over the United States various groups take time out of their everyday routines to honor and remember those that entered the service and have never made it home. In 1970 the United States officially named the third Friday in September as POW/MIA Recognition Day. The day, while holding no ties to any conflict, reminds Americans of the sacrifice these service members made and the struggle their families are still facing.

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  10. Washington County Children’s Chorus Begins New Season


    By Sarah Craighead Dedmon

    Under the direction of music educator Christine Guy, the Washington County Children’s Chorus has resumed rehearsals for its 25th season. 

    Students from all over Washington County are invited to participate in the group, which rehearses each Sunday afternoon from 3 - 4:30 p.m. in Machias at Centre Street Congregational Church.

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  11. Calais Lady Blue Devil JV Volleyball Squad

    Pictured is the Calais Lady Blue Devil JV Volleyball squad. Members include front l-r: Jocelyn Manza, Piper Donovan, Nevaeh Thomas, Sierra Jones, Lainey Johnson, Alessia Murgioni, Emma Saunders, Elizabeth Trainor, and Amelia Bernard. Back l-r: Coach Kati Grass, Kassidi Porter, Hailey Calder, Lexi Doten, Madison Stanley, Jordan Yarnes, Allison Yost, Emily Alley, Hailey Prickett, Haley Ann Way, Cecile Juguart, and Danielle White. (Photo by John Rogers)

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  12. New Recreational Courts for the Town of Woodland


    By Natalie Boomer

    The Woodland Recreation Department has had a very busy summer. The municipal courts across from the Woodland Jr-Sr High School have been completely transformed. 

    “It used to be old courts with big cracks in them, foot-wide cracks,” said Michael Boise, Park and Recreation Director for the town of Baileyville. 

    With the last renovations to the courts being in the 1970s, the area needed lots of work.

    “The hot top had to be taken out. It was just bare ground. The fencing had to be all redone,” said Boise.

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  13. Registration Open for Addison Coty Memorial Turkey Trot


    By Jayna Smith

    The date has been set for the second annual Addison Coty Memorial Turkey Trot.  The 5K race, along with a kids’ fun run, is set for Saturday, November 16th, and registration is now open.

    Addison, a 2018 graduate of Calais High School, lost his life in an automobile accident in July of 2018.  He was a great friend to many, and Addison was well-known for his athleticism, especially his ability as a cross country runner, having finished fifth in the state in Class C during his senior year.  

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  14. Local Woman Shares Bahamas Experience


    By Kaileigh Deacon

    The last year for Sherry Sivret has been one full of new challenges, places and people as she found herself on a journey with the Ms. Crown of Maine title. Each step of the journey has had a new and lasting impact on Mrs. Sivret including her most recent journey, a trip to Ms. World Pageant in the Bahamas.

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  15. Farmington Fire Captain Killed in Explosion


    Farmington Fire Captain Michael Bell, age 68, was killed in Monday's blast of a recently renovated and expanded facility that serves those with disabilities.  Bell was a 30-year member of the department.  Eight others were injured.  

    Fire crews were called to the building at 8:07 a.m. for a propane smell in the building.  Within minutes, the building exploded.  Vehicles and multiple homes in the area were reportedly damaged, and the powerful blast of the explosion was felt up to five miles away.  

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  16. Broken Pipe Releases Farmed Salmon Into Bay of Fundy


    By Jayna Smith

    The Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF), a Canadian organization whose mission is to conserve and restore wild Atlantic salmon and their ecosystems, announced last week that its researchers have removed 58 aquaculture-raised salmon attempting to enter the Magaguadavic River through the St. George, N.B. fishway. 

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  17. Some Customers in Baileyville to Receive Broadband Access this Week

    By Sarah Craighead Dedmon

    Some addresses in Baileyville have only days, not weeks, to wait for high-speed internet access, said Downeast Broadband Utility board member Chris Loughlin. 

    “Some addresses in town are ready for service right now, other addresses it may be as late as October, November,” said Loughlin. “The further out you are, the later your connection.”

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  18. Downeast Credit Union Receives 2019 Best Places to Work in Maine Designation


    Downeast Credit Union is pleased to have achieved recognition as one of Maine’s Best Places to Work for 2019. 

    For the third year in a row, DECU is proud to have been selected as a premier place to work in Maine! This year, DECU is one of 48 employers to be honored in the mid-sized business category (50-249 employees), and one of 100 total organizations to be recognized across the state. Last year, DECU ranked 3rd overall in the mid-sized category and awaits their 2019 ranking which will be announced on October 2.

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  19. Some Customers in Baileyville to Receive Broadband Access this Week

    Related Article Golden Hosts Congressional Hearing on Rural Broadband

    By Sarah Craighead-Dedmon

    Some addresses in Baileyville have only days, not weeks, to wait for high-speed internet access, said Downeast Broadband Utility board member Chris Loughlin. 

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  20. Golden Hosts Congressional Hearing on Rural Broadband


    By Sarah Craighead-Dedmon

    As the first week of school came to a close, something unusual took place in Machias. Two U.S. congressmen sat behind microphones in a University of Maine at Machias classroom. A television camera focused on the congressmen, one of them swung a gavel, and so began a formal U.S. congressional field hearing.

    The subject? Rural high-speed internet, or lack thereof.

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  21. 9th Annual “Take Back The Night” Walk


    By Natalie Boomer

    Members of Charlotte County will march from the Border Arena to St. Stephen University on September 20th to raise awareness of sexual assault, violence, and harassment. 

    The 9th Annual “Take Back The Night” Walk began as a public protest that was organized for women by women. This walk gave women a chance to unite and voice their concerns and their fears of violence and abuse. 

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  22. Local Veteran Receives Quilt of Valor


    By Kaileigh Deacon

    Unless someone has been to war it is almost impossible to understand the feelings and events that each of the Veterans brings home with them. Each person that goes to fight for our protection and freedom brings home a piece of that experience and will carry it with them for the rest of their lives.

    For many, their service was their duty and their honor, but that does not ease the trouble they have seen and experienced. For those, the comfort of something meant that healing, not forgetting, but healing could start.

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  23. Consecration and Dedication of Holy Trinity Chapel in Dennysville


    On Saturday, September 21, at 11 a.m., the Right Reverend Richard Lipka will officiate at a public service for the consecration and dedication of Holy Trinity Chapel in Dennysville; a significant milestone in the life of this faith community. Bishop Lipka is the Suffragan Bishop for the Missionary Diocese of All Saints within the Anglican Church in North America.

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  24. Jim Bailey Book Signing at Calais IGA

    As mentioned in the previous issue of The Calais Advertiser, Jim Bailey hosted a book signing at the Calais IGA on Friday for his new book An Amazing Journey: A Wondrous Trek Through Time on his ancestor and Baileyville founder Nathaniel Bailey. Bailey also offered samples of his new line of fruit and berry toppings with no sugar added (Photo by Dominic Gayton)

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  25. Applefest at St. Anne’s Kicks Off Fall


    By Kaileigh Deacon

    As August rolls over to September the feel of fall starts to creep in and for everyone, the smells and start of fall mean different things. For some, it’s that first football game, the first pumpkin spice latte, or that first red leaf on the tree in their backyard. But for over twenty years, for the members of St. Anne’s Episcopal Church, the start of fall has meant Applefest.

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  26. Plans are Underway for Baileyville’s Octoberfest


    By Jayna Smith 

    Another great Octoberfest in Baileyville is in the works, according to organizer Jamie Bohanon.  The week-long celebration is set for October 5th through October 13th and will include events for all ages. 

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  27. Calais City Council Property Committee Discusses Ongoing Efforts to Revamp Playgrounds


    By Dominic Gayton

    On Wednesday, September 4, the Property Committee of the Calais City Council met at the City Building to discuss the city’s ongoing efforts to install new playsets at all of Calais’s playgrounds. In particular, the committee discussed the fate of the current playset at the playground in the DiCenzo Athletic Complex, which is being replaced, and the future of the Milltown playground currently located on King Street. All committee members—Chair Eddie Moreside, Marcia Rogers, and Mark Carr—and City Manager Mike Ellis were present.

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  28. [BREAKING] CRH Nurses/Caregivers Vote to Authorize Strike

    After one year of contract negotiations, the unionized caregivers at Calais Regional Hospital (CRH) have authorized a strike for the first time in that hospital’s history, Maine State Nurses Association (MSNA)/National Nurses Organizing Committee (NNOC) announced on Friday.

    No strike date has been set at this time, but should the bargaining team decide to move forward with a strike, nurses and the other caregivers will provide hospital management ten days’ advance notice so that CRH can make appropriate preparations.

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  29. DownEast Recovery Center Recognized Overdose Awareness Day

    DownEast Recovery Support Center (DRSC) in Calais recognized Overdose Awareness Day last Saturday evening.  The center's Machias location also recognized the day earlier in Machias.  In an effort to show support, raise awareness of overdose, and reduce the stigma of Substance Use Disorder, many came out to hear speakers share their stories, obtain information on substance use and treatment, and see memorial displays.  Pictured is DRSC's manager Amy Day and DRSC volunteer/member and advisory board member Chasity Tuell.  For more information on offerings at DownEast Recovery Support Center, o

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  30. Woodland Elementary School Gets an Upgrade


    By Natalie Boomer

    As many already know, construction has been ongoing at Woodland Elementary School over the summer. “The construction at WES is on schedule to be completed by the students’ first day of school.  The roof has been reinforced and there is new roofing.  Two new boilers were installed and there are new blowers in each classroom,” said Principal Amanda Belanger.  

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  31. Ceaser’s Full Tilt Tournament

    Congratulations to Darren Libby and Steve Estey for winning the 2019 Ceaser’s Full Tilt Tournament sponsored by the Calais Motor Inn. The team shot a strong 103 over 27-holes of action that featured 9-holes each of best ball, alternate shot, and scramble.

    Division 1 Gross Net

    1st Darren Libby/Steve Estey 103 Bill Annas/Darin Hill 88

    2nd Robert Finn/Brayden Finn 105 Darrin Constant/Joe Footer 91

    3rd Mike Ellis/JR Gibson 106* Chris Nelson/Joel McGee 92


    Division 2 

    1st Mark Altvater/John Rogers 110* Tyler Morrison/Corey Sullivan 85

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  32. Santa Maria to Port in St. Andrews


    By Jayna Smith

    A replica of the Nao Santa María, one of the most famous ships in history, will be docking at the St. Andrews wharf from September 13th to 15th and will be open to visits before its next stop in Portland, Maine.  The visits are part of the ship’s North American tour and this is the ship’s first visit to Canada.

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  33. Music on the Green

    The 2019 Music on the Green Concert series ended last Tuesday with the Pitch Black Ribbons. The duo is a well liked performance and despite some mechanical difficulties still put on a great show. The group played a variety of rock, country, and original music. The final concert sponsor was Jo’s Diner and Pizzeria who also donated to $25 gift certificates to be drawn off with the St. Croix No. 1 firehouse 50/50 raffle.  (Photo by Kaileigh Deacon)

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  34. Princeton Elementary School Gets New Gym Floor


    By Kaileigh Deacon

    Winter is beautiful in Maine but can also be troublesome come spring and summer when the effects of winter weather become more evident. This is what happened at Princeton Elementary School. After a winter of ice and snow, the school’s gym was water damaged.

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  35. Don’t Go Around that Parked Bus with Flashing Lights in the Schoolyard


    By Jayna Smith

    Schools are back in session after summer break, and Calais Police Chief Dave Randall reminds drivers to be cautious.  

    Officers will be back out heavily patrolling the school zones.  "Once again, we want to make it our goal to be in all school zones as much as possible," Chief Randall said.  "Unless there are emergencies that we are called to, we make sure we are on the road and in those areas where kids are going to and from."

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  36. Pizza Business is Family Business


    By Kaileigh Deacon

    In Perry along the Shore Road is a family run farm called Shofar Farms. For just over a year the Guiltner family has been running their farm and yurt campground after moving here from Idaho.        

    Shofar Farms has several different parts to their business. At their farm in Perry the Guiltner family has their yurt campground where visitors can spend the night or a week in a yurt getting a feel for a different kind of camping.

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  37. National September 11 Museum Photo


    By Deena Farrell, 9/11 Memorial Communications Intern

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  38. Raising Awareness for Cultural Tradition


    By Kaileigh Deacon

    Even in an age of technology where our every moment almost seems to be preserved digitally, there are still many traditions and ways of life that are being lost because of a lack of practice. A local group is one of many fighting to combat this, the Wabanaki Confederacy Singers.

    This group, which is made from members of the Wabanaki Confederacy from Maine, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, is working to raise awareness and preserve Wabanaki culture through its songs. 

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  39. Sipayik Indian Days Celebration Tournament


    Jason Redding and Darin Hill were tied at 74 each at the end of the 18-hole event. In the sudden death playoffs Jason secured the 2019 tournament victory.

    Division #1 

    (Gross) (Net)

    1st Jason Redding, 74** Darin Hill, 74**/62

    2nd John Marchese, 75 Mark Altvater, 67

    3rd Pat Ellis, 76* Dana Redding, 68*

    Division #2 

    1st Corey Sullivan, 77 John Sawyer, 64*

    2nd Beau Scott, 80 John Rogers, 64

    3rd Artie Hinton, 80 Tom Kneeland, 66

    Division #3 

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  40. Woodland High School Prepares for New School Year


    By Dominic Gayton

    From new teachers and staff members, to freshly painted walls and a new intercom system, many changes await students as they return to Woodland Jr.-Sr. High School on September 3rd and 4th.

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  41. Music on the Green

    Tuesday’s Music on the Green was the Economy Studs. The group played a variety of tunes that had people singing along and even dancing on the grass. This concert was sponsored by Britani Holloway, Berkshire Hathaway Realty. (Photo by Kaileigh Deacon)

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  42. Becky Moholland Placed in the Maine Basketball Hall of Fame

    Former Lady Blue Devil, a 1991-graduate, was honored this year by being placed in the Maine Basketball Hall of Fame, and at the past alumni contests at CHS Becky’s uniform was deservedly retired at Calais High School. Becky Moholland was a standout 5’ 11” forward who scored 1056-points while helping the Lady Blue Devils win over 80 percent of their games during her four year career. She was a three-time All-Tourney selection and a MVP during her senior year at CHS. In 1991 Becky was a third team All-State selection, All-Tourney, and a McDonald’s All-Star.

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  43. Annual Maine Youth and Field Day


    By Natalie Boomer

    The Princeton Rod and Gun Club is hosting Maine Youth Field Day on Saturday, September 14th. This event will be for boys and girls, ages 8 through 15. 

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  44. 5K and 1-Mile Fun Run Remembers Shead Classmate


    By Jayna Smith

    On your marks, get set…the Suddy 5K Run/Walk and 1-mile Fun Run is set to take place on Saturday, September 7th.  Having originated in Boston in 2005, the race is now entering its 10th year in Eastport and is always held during the Pirate Festival.  

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  45. Remembering Coast Guard Lieutenant William L. Foley of Milltown, Maine


    By Dominic Gayton

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